
Views expressed by News/Blog authors are solely that of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Association of Fundraising Professionals New York City Chapter. Links Disclaimer


"Give Until It Stops Hurting"

Chapter Leadership Brief 05.07.21

By Jill Scibilia, CFRE, AFP-NYC President-Elect
Vice President, Development, Phelps Hospital, Northwell Health

"Give until it hurts” is a quote often attributed to Mother Teresa. There is deep meaning behind this quote, but there is another version attributed to Elizabeth Berg that I prefer, “Give until it stops hurting.”   I believe “give until it stops hurting” captures philanthropic spirit and intentionality. 

At the Crossroads of Public Policy and Fundraising

AFP-NYC Takes Part in Virtual Lobby Week

Last week, the AFP NYC Chapter joined our peers around the state and the country in participating in Virtual Lobby Week, where we spoke with staffers representing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Congressman Richie Torres, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, and Congressman Adriano Espaillat about three pressing issues for our sector’s success:

Join the Community

Share your “top reasons” for a chance to claim or gift a complimentary AFP Membership

An AFP-NYC chapter membership is so much more than an event discount: it is opportunity, it is access to a network of fellow fundraisers working together to activate philanthropy for change, it is a show of professionalism and belonging to a group of dedicated change-makers, and it is being a part of a community. Especially throughout this challenging year we have faced together in NYC and across the globe during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, AFP-NYC members have come together to lift each other up, to innovate, and to evolve as we navigate the “new normal” in life and in fundraising.

Lobby Week: We Have a Lot of Work To Do!‎

Chapter Leadership Brief 04.23.21

By Steve Jacobson, AFP-NYC President and CEO, JCA, Inc.

Next week, April 26 – 30, is AFP Lobby Week.  It’s the time when AFP Global and AFP chapters around the country make concerted efforts to inform and educate our lawmakers on the importance of the nonprofit sector.  And, of course, part of our efforts are focused on supporting legislation that benefits nonprofits and, by extension, our varied constituencies.  Given that we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Lobby Week will be held virtually.  As of this writing, the AFP NYC chapter has at least five Zoom calls scheduled with our New York Representatives and Senators.

Sad about Fundraising Day in New York being canceled? Don’t worry, there’s PhilanthroCon!‎

Chapter Leadership Brief 4.08.21

By Craig H. Shelley, CFRE, Chapter Treasurer & Managing Director, Orr Group

As the weather warms up it’s making me think of all those Friday afternoons in June, we’ve spent together at the Marriott Marquis for Fundraising Day in New York.  It was always a great place to reconnect with the people and ideas that make our work so special as fundraisers.  Heaped upon all the sadness of the last year is the fact that Fundraising Day won’t happen this year. Again.

Thankfully the chapter is going to replicate as much of the experience as we can virtually with PhilanthroCon. 

The Importance of Virtual Lobby Week and How You Can Get Involved ‎

by Vikki Jones, CFRE and Victoria Shadle / AFP-NYC Government Relations Committee

AFP-NYC’s Government Relations Committee has been traveling to Albany and Washington, DC for years for Advocacy Days. Advocacy Days are essentially a state-wide coalition of fundraising professionals that annually meets with our elected officials to discuss matters of importance in our profession, the nonprofit sector, and the communities we serve. 

More than Skill-Building, Building a Peer Community!‎

AFP-NYC Cohort Series

By Jennifer Moore, AFP-NYC Board Member, Co-Chair Professional Advancement Committee
Vice President of Development, SIFMA Foundation for Investor Education, Inc.

Year after year, our members tell us that the education and networking opportunities from AFP NYC are invaluable, and I couldn’t agree more. As a result, the Professional Advancement Committee spends months planning our programming and networking opportunities for fellow fundraisers to improve their skills and build their networks. However, we felt that we could do even more for our colleagues.

Light At The End of The Tunnel

Chapter Leadership Brief 3.24.2021

By Michele Hall-Duncan, AFP-NYC Secretary, CEO and President of enCourage Kids Foundation 

As the vaccination effort intensifies and there is a sense of Spring and optimism in the air, I find myself reflecting on the past year. At my foundation, we lost revenue, laid off staff, and restricted programming just like many others. It was a year of loss, both personally and professionally and the lessons learned will stay with me for quite some time.

One Year Later

Chapter Leadership Brief 3.12.2021

By Jill Scibilia, CFRE, AFP-NYC President-Elect
Vice President, Development
Phelps Hospital, Northwell Health 

March 11, 2021 was the one-year anniversary of when the World Health Organization declared that COVID-19 was a global pandemic.

I will never forget those early days of the pandemic.  There was an energy fueled by a mix of adrenaline, courage, fear, grit and heart—especially heart.  There are a few moments that will always stand out to me from those days.

First…On my drive to the hospital where I work, I realized my car was the only one on what was suddenly an eerily quiet road.  


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