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Video & Storytelling Techniques That Will Stop You Fumbling Millions

Video & Storytelling Techniques That Will Stop You Fumbling Millions

Chapter Leadership Brief 8.9.24

by Jason Ellinger
Co-Founder, Beard & Bowler Productions

Today, I'm going to be really honest with you all...

I've been seeing so many non-profits fumble millions of dollars by saying these 5 words:

“Please donate to our non-profit!”

Now, you may be reading this & thinking..."What's wrong with that?"

And honestly, you could argue nothing is 🤷🏾‍♂️

But my questions to you are:

Where's the impact?
Where's the urgency?
Where's the emotion?

No one is going to be able to connect or relate to that statement because really...

It could be seen as begging for donations 🤷🏾‍♂️

What all non-profits or even for-profit organizations SHOULD be saying is:

"This organization saved my life."

And here's why 👇🏾

It Shows Who You've Helped

By opening your video with someone you've supported explaining how you've 'saved their life'. 

Not only will this hook your audience in from the off...

But it will let them know:

↦ Who you're supporting
↦ Why they came to you for that support
↦ And how your support is creating positive impacts.

Something so simple, yet easily missed by a lot of orgs!

Hit the link below to see how we did it with corporate 👇🏾

How You Help Them

Now, a lot of orgs are doing this...

Showing ways that they've supported a client or their audience. 

But the key isn't to throw in a load of stats or testimonials. 

It's to show how!

↦ What service did you give them?
↦ How has it helped them?
↦ Why did you do it?

All questions that should be answered by your client in your video. 

It really can be that simple!

I broke it down for you in this video 👇🏾

Here's What They Have To Say

For me... this is one of the most important aspects of any video. 

Because it's where your client can shine a spotlight on you.

And you can show:

↦ The amazing results you've created. 
↦ The partnership you've developed.
↦ The impact your work has had.

This can be done in a whole range of different ways (which B&B can support with!).

But I'll leave you with a thought instead.

Would you rather see a video of a client explaining the service they got? 

Or would you rather see the journey they went on & the impact it's had? 🤷🏾‍♂️

Here's how did it with a non-profit honoree video for their big event 👇🏾

So now you have all the tips & tricks to transform your brand's storytelling videos from:

↦ Seeing no results
↦ Creating little impact
↦ And lacking engagement. 


↦ Donors asking to support
↦ Driving new business
↦ And seeing results.

Video is, & always will be, the foundation of great marketing. 

That will not only get you the results you are looking for...

→ But will make your organization be remembered. 

Hi, I’m Jason 👋🏾 Co is the Co-Founder of Beard & Bowler Prodcutions. We are a New Jersey video production company that partners with organizations to raise awareness & drive new results.Our main mission is to share impactful stories that inspire people to take action.

Where do we find these stories?

→ In the walls of: 

  • Non-profit organizations
  • For-profit organizations 
  • And purposeful brands 

To help them raise brand awareness, increase revenue & most importantly, tell their story. And we do this all through the power of storytelling video marketing. So, if you want your story heard, visit our website to find out more: 



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